Helping Hands of Wayne County was formed by attorneys and Lawyer/Guardian ad Litems who practice in the Juvenile Section of the Third Circuit Court of Michigan. We found that many children and families involved with the court are unable to participate in programs and activities that other children can. These activities promote growth and self-esteem which is critical to success and development. Our goal is to help these children pursue their dreams and passions.
Helping Hands is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to bettering the lives of at-risk children. We do this through the support of our members and generous individuals in our community like you.
Donations can be made at our local events or online. All proceeds raised through our events go directly to children in need. Last year we partnered with other organizations to provide backpacks to children going back to school. In July we hosted children at a Detroit Tigers game and we assisted a student with summer school expenses. In 2017 we want to expand our partnerships and assist more children in their pursuits.
Help us do great things!